Using QRadar CSRF

Please note that the QRadar App CSRF feature is only supported in QRadar versions 7.3.3 Fix Pack 9 and above.

This tutorial will explain how to use the QRadar CSRF feature in your QRadar app.

In this tutorial we will set up a simple QRadar app that will keep track of a single value, stored in a text file, which can be incremented or decremented using buttons in a simple user interface. The app itself is simple, intended to demonstrate how to set up an app to use the QRadar CSRF feature.


This tutorial requires the following dependencies:

  • QRadar App SDK v2
  • QRadar version 7.3.3 Fix Pack 9 and above

Create the app

Create a new directory for the app:

mkdir QRadarCSRF && cd QRadarCSRF

Use the QRadar App SDK to initialise the app code:

qapp create

Write the manifest

Open the manifest.json file to edit some values to make it more relevant to the app, making it look like this:

  "name": "QRadar CSRF",
  "description": "App demonstrating how to use QRadar CSRF",
  "version": "1.0",
  "image": "qradar-app-base:2.0.4",
  "areas": [
      "id": "QRadarCSRF",
      "text": "QRadar CSRF",
      "description": "QRadar CSRF area",
      "url": "/",
      "required_capabilities": [
  "use_qradar_csrf": "true",
  "uuid": "<your unique app UUID>"

The key property in this manifest is the use_qradar_csrf flag - since this has been set to true the app will be protected by QRadar’s CSRF protection.

Write the HTTP endpoints

Update app/ to add an endpoint for rendering the UI HTML with the retrieved value, and two more that use POST requests to handle incrementing and decrementing the value.

from flask import Blueprint, render_template
import os.path

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
viewsbp = Blueprint('viewsbp', __name__, url_prefix='/')

VALUE_FILE = "/opt/app-root/store/value"

def index():
    with open(VALUE_FILE, 'r') as file:
        value_str ='\n', '')
        return render_template('index.html', value=value_str)

@viewsbp.route('/increment', methods=['POST'])
def increment():
    return 'OK'

@viewsbp.route('/decrement', methods=['POST'])
def decrement():
    return 'OK'

def init_value():
    # If the value file does not exist yet, initialise it with an initial value
    if not os.path.isfile(VALUE_FILE):
        with open(VALUE_FILE, "w") as f:

def modify_value(modifier):
    # Modify the value, reading the existing value, adding a modifier to the value and saving the modified value
    # back to the value file
    with open(VALUE_FILE, "r") as f:
        value_str =

    value = int(value_str)
    value = value + modifier

    with open(VALUE_FILE, "w") as f:

Write the Jinja template

Delete app/templates/hello.html and create a new file app/templates/index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>QRadar CSRF</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./static/qjslib/qappfw.min.js'></script>
        var QRadar = window.qappfw.QRadar;

        function increment() {
            QRadar.fetch("increment", {
                method: "POST"
            }).then(function(response) {
                if (response.ok) {

        function decrement() {
            QRadar.fetch("decrement", {
                method: "POST"
            }).then(function(response) {
                if (response.ok) {
    <h1>QRadar CSRF </h1>
    <p>Value: </p>
    <input type="button" value="Increment" onclick="increment()"/>
    <input type="button" value="Decrement" onclick="decrement()"/>

This Jinja template displays the value injected into it, and provides two buttons that allow incrementing and decrementing the app’s value using the QJSLib library’s fetch function, which automatically handles adding the QRadarCSRF header to the HTTP requests.

Test the app

The app can then be packaged and deployed with:

qapp package -p <app zip name>

qapp deploy -p <app zip name> -q <qradar console> -q <qradar user>

Visit the app’s area tab in the QRadar UI called QRadar CSRF, the page will allow retrieving the value, incrementing and decrementing. You can check the CSRF protection is in place by using curl to send a request to one of the app’s endpoints without the QRadarCSRF header provided, it should fail with a 403 Forbidden error.