RPM/Python module best practices

This tutorial covers best practices for sourcing and downloading RPMs and Python Modules, including the following items:

  • Where to source official UBI RPMs and best practices on how to download them
  • Where to source python modules and how to download them
  • Handling dependencies


  • pip
  • Python 3.8 or later
  • QRadar App SDK latest version


RPM Package Manager is a package management system intended for primarily Linux distributions and is widely used to deploy commerical and open source software. The name RPM refers to the .rpm file format and the package manager program itself.

Where to source official UBI RPMs and how to download them

Create a new directory called container/rpm to store RPMs that will be downloaded:

mkdir container/rpm

You can download RPMs using Docker and the Red Hat UBI. For example, use the following code to download the nodejs-10.21.0 and npm-6-14.4 RPMs:

docker run                                                    \
    -v $(pwd)/container/rpm:/rpm                              \
    registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi                       \
    yum download nodejs-10.21.0 npm-6.14.4 --downloaddir=/rpm

This uses the RHEL UBI 8 OS running inside Docker to download the RPMs, which can be used by QRadar to install them into an app. The -v $(pwd)/container/rpm:/rpm flag creates a volume that means any RPMs downloded in the Docker container are copied over to the host machine into the ./container/rpm path.

Create a new folder called container/rpm/ordering.txt, which instructs QRadar where to find the RPMs to install. In this example, if you install the nodejs-10.21.0 and npm-6-14.4 RPMs, you must save the following RPMs into the ordering.txt file:


Python modules

Modules are simply Python files that have a .py extension. A Python module can have a set of functions, classes, or variables defined and implemented.

Where to source Python modules and how to download them

Create a new folder called container/pip to store pip dependencies:

mkdir container/pip

You can use pip download to download Python modules. In this example, use the following command to download the Gunicorn pip and any of its dependencies:

pip download                \
    --only-binary=:all:     \
    --platform linux_x86_64 \
    --dest container/pip    \

Handling dependencies

For RPMs that have dependencies, you can include an optional ordering.txt file in the RPM folder, like the one you created in the previous RPM example. This file specifies the order in which RPMs are installed, and it must include the names of the files that are in the rpm folder. Separate file names with a new line (UNIX line endings) in the order they are to be installed.