App authorization with QRadar

Apps use authorization service tokens to authorize access to QRadar® resources.

Configure authorization parameters in the authentication section of the manifest file. The only mandatory entry is requested_capabilities. When an application with this authorization parameter is installed via extension management, the app is be created until authorization is completed through the Application Assistant App.

The following example shows the authentication section in the manifest file:

"authentication": {
  "oauth2": {
    "authorisation_flow": "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS",
    "requested_capabilities": [

The authorisation_flow entry is optional. The only accepted value is CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.

If the authorization is not configured as CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, the installation fails and returns the following message:

OAuth flow type X is not currently supported

The requested_capabilities entry must contain at least one entry. It provides the capability or permissions that the app needs to function in QRadar. The app installation fails if the capability that is configured is not listed in QRadar.

The user navigates to the Application Assistant app and selects a user with the capabilities requested by the app. For example, a user with the SEM capability from the example above.

When you select the authorization, the instance is created, along with an authorized service token that matches the app instance id and the selected user’s role. The app then has access to that authorized service token for making QRadar resource requests.

Note: The user must deploy changes to enable the authorized service token.