Getting available API versions

You can create an app that can query QRadar to determine which API versions are available in the version of QRadar the app is running on.

Create a simple app that displays a table with the latest API version, all available API versions, and a table of features that are supported by the available API versions.


  • QRadar App SDK v2

API version endpoint

The /api/help/versions endpoint reports which API versions are available on QRadar. The endpoint reports which API versions exist, if they are deprecated, and if they have been removed. You can use this information determine which API features are available to the app, allowing the app to customise its behaviour based on this.

A typical response from the endpoint looks like this:

    "version": "15.1",
    "deprecated": false,
    "removed": false,
    "root_resource_ids": [...],
    "id": 28,
    "version": "16.0",
    "deprecated": false,
    "removed": false,
    "root_resource_ids": [...],
    "id": 29,
    "version": "17.0",
    "deprecated": false,
    "removed": false,
    "root_resource_ids": [...],
    "id": 30,

The /api/help/versions endpoint is available in QRadar API versions 6.0 and above.

Create the app

  1. Create a new directory for your app:
mkdir APIVersion && cd APIVersion
  1. Use the QRadar App SDK to initialise the app code:
qapp create

Write the app endpoints

Edit the app/ file using the following code:

from flask import Blueprint, render_template
from packaging import version as package_version
from qpylib import qpylib

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
viewsbp = Blueprint('viewsbp', __name__, url_prefix='/')

# A list of features, paired with a list of known API versions that support the feature
    'name': 'App multi-tenancy',
    'versions': ['13.0', '13.1', '14.0', '15.0', '15.1', '16.0', '17.0']
}, {
    'name': 'Proxy server API',
    'versions': ['13.0', '13.1', '14.0', '15.0', '15.1', '16.0', '17.0']
}, {
    'name': 'Certificate management API',
    'versions': ['16.0', '17.0']

def index():
    # Retrieve the API versions, parsing into a JSON list
    response = qpylib.REST('get', '/api/help/versions')
    versions = response.json()
    # Iterate over the features and determine which ones are enabled
    enabled_features = []
    for feature in FEATURES:
            'name': feature['name'],
            'enabled': is_feature_enabled(feature, versions)
    return render_template('hello.html',

def get_latest_version(versions):
    latest = None
    for version in versions:
        # package_version.parse is from the packaging library, allows comparison of version strings
        if latest is None or package_version.parse(
                version['version']) > package_version.parse(latest):
            latest = version['version']
    return latest

def is_feature_enabled(feature, versions):
    # Determines if a feature is available by looping through the enabled versions and checking if there is an API
    # version enabled that supports the feature
    for feature_version in feature['versions']:
        for version in versions:
            if not version['removed'] and feature_version == version['version']:
                return True
    return False

This script sets up the /index endpoint, which returns a Jinja template that is injected with the latest API version, all available API versions, and a list of features that are marked as either enabled or disabled.

Write the Jinja template

Edit the app/templates/hello.html file using the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>API versions</title>
    <h1>API versions</h1>
      <h2>Latest API version:</h2>
      <h2>API versions</h2>

This html template includes the latest API version, a table of available API versions, and a table of features that are marked as enabled or disabled.

Test the app locally

The app is now ready to test locally using the QRadar App SDK.

Before you run the app locally, follow the steps in ‘Allowing apps running through the SDK to make API calls’.

After you have prepared your environment to allow local apps to make API calls, you can run the app:

qapp run

The QRadar App SDK reports the port that the app is running on, allowing you to access the app at http://localhost:<_app port_>.

Packaging the app and deploying it

The app can also be packaged and deployed to QRadar system using the QRadar App SDK:

qapp package -p <_app zip name_>

qapp deploy -p <_app zip name_> -q <_qradar console_> -u <_qradar user_>