Viewing your app logs

Use built-in routes to create HTTP requests download, view, and set log collection levels.

You can create your own targeted web requests to the app for the following routes:

Table 1. Request routes
Route Format Description
GET /debug
GET https://<console_ip>/console/plugins/
Download your /store/log/app.log file from inside the container for inspection.
GET /debug_view
GET https://<console_ip>/console/plugins/
Display the contents of the /store/log/app.log file inside your browser window.
POST /log_level
POST https://<console_ip>/console/plugins/
form body: level = 'INFO'
Dynamically define the level of logging that you want your app to capture. Post a form, with an attribute level that is set to one of the log level values to this endpoint. QRadar® dynamically reset the log collection levels in your /store/log/app.log file.

The application_id is the integer value that is assigned when you use the installation RESTful endpoints for GUI app creation. The application_id value is recorded in the Application Creation Task state output that is returned when you run the qradar_app_creator deploy command.

Viewing logs within the host directory

All logs are located in the /store/log directory of the container.