Add right-click functionality

Add right-click functionality to a tab your app created in IBM® QRadar®.

Note: If you include the right-click GUI action in the manifest without adding an implementation of the action, the right-click menu fails to load.
This example shows how to use the right-click GUI Action to capture an IP address and pass the information to custom JavaScript. Use the right-click menu on the QRadar Log Activity tab to capture an IP address of an event. Pass the IP address to a custom tab. Use a button on the custom tab to initiate a search for events that contain the captured IP address.



"areas": [ 1 
      "url": "index",
      "text": "RtClick",
      "required_capabilities": ["ADMIN"],
      "id": "QRtClick",
      "description": "An app to POC Right Click"

"gui_actions" : [ 2 
      "id" : "rtClickEventIP",
      "text" : "Get row info from right click",
      "description" : "Right click on a row, get all the info",
      "icon": null,
      "rest_method": "rtgetcontext", 3 
      "javascript" : "clickme(result)",
      "groups" : ["ipPopup"], 4 
      "required_capabilities" : ["ADMIN"]

  "rest_methods" : [ 5 

  "page_scripts" : [ 6 
      "scripts" : ["static/clickme.js"]



__author__ = 'IBM'

from app import app
from flask import jsonify, request, render_template
import json
from qpylib import qpylib

def index():
    other_data = request.args.get("otherdata");
    context = request.args.get("context");

    if context is None:
        context = ""

    if other_data is None:
        other_data = ""

    qpylib.log("Displaying context" + str(context));

    return render_template("index.html", context=context, other=other_data)

@app.route('/getcontext', methods=['GET'])
def get_context():
    context = request.args.get("context")

    qpylib.log("Setting the results to: " + context)

    return json.dumps({"app_id":qpylib.get_app_id(),"context":context})


function clickme(result) {

  var app_id = ""
  var context = ""

  if (result) {
    app_id = encodeURI(result.app_id)
    context = encodeURI(result.context)

  var d = new Date();
  var n = d.getTime();

  var otherData = "Something passed from Javascript"

  console.log("Hey, you right clicked on me");


    var gotoTab = function() {
      var url = "/console/do/ariel/arielSearch?appName=
         =select%20*%20from%20events%20where%20destinationip%20%3D%20%27" +
        "{{context}}" + "%27%20LAST%2012%20HOURS&value(aqlLines)
        =%5B%22select%20*%20from%20events%20where%20destinationip%20%3D%20%27" +
        "{{context}}" + "%27%20LAST%2012%20HOURS%22%5D&value(recordsLimit)="
      top.setActiveTab("EventViewer", url )

      <li>Received context data from QRadar: {{context}}</li>
      <li>Received other data from Javascript: {{other}}</li>
      <li><button onclick="gotoTab()">Search for events with 
          sourceip of {{context}}</button>