OAuth bearer token

The OAuth bearer token is an access token that allows an app to access specific QRadar resources.

A QRadar OAuth app can make QRadar REST API calls by using an OAuth bearer token.

The following diagram shows the folder and file structure for the OAuth app that is used in the example.
Figure 1. OAuth bearer token app
Oauth bearer token files
The following example shows how an app that is a background service gets and uses the bearer token for authorization to make QRadar REST API calls:
  1. The manifest.json file includes an authentication entry to identify and configure the app as an OAuth app, and instructs the Flask web server not to load.
      "name": "OAuth background process", 
      "version": "1.0", 
      "description": "Simple background process app that calls QRadar REST API using OAuth", 
      "uuid": "a7e67388-95e1-436e-bdbd-df9c53230728", 
      "load_flask": "false",  "authentication": { 
        "oauth2": { 
          "authorisation_flow": "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS", 
          "requested_capabilities": ["ADMIN"] 
  2. The src_deps/init/launch_background_process.sh script is run.
    nohup python /app/background_process.py >/store/log/background_process.log 2>&1 &
  3. The src_deps/init/launch_background_process.sh script calls the app/background_process.py Python module.
    from qpylib import qpylib
    from qpylib import oauth_qpylib
    import requests
    import json
    import time
    rest_url = 'https://' + qpylib.get_console_address() + '/api/ariel/databases'
    request_headers = {}
    while True:
            response = requests.get(rest_url, headers=request_headers, verify=False)
            qpylib.log('response=' + json.dumps(response.json()))
        except Exception as e:
            qpylib.log('Error: ' + str(e))

    The background_process.py module runs a continuous loop where it calls a QRadar REST API endpoint, and then logs the result.

How the OAuth bearer token is retrieved

The add_oauth_header function takes a Python requests-ready headers object and adds an Authorization header that contains the application’s OAuth bearer token.

To retrieve the token, add_oauth_header sends a GET token request to the QRadar OAuth service, which runs on a specific port at https://qoauth.service.consul.
The GET token request looks for the following details:
  • The QRadar OAuth service port

    The service port is identified by a call to the Python module service_port_locator.py, which is in the root directory of the Docker container.

    Here's an example of the call to the Python module:
    def get_qoauth_port():
        p = subprocess.Popen(['/service_port_locator.py', 
        'qoauth.service.consul'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        return str(p.communicate()[0]).strip()
  • The application's OAuth client ID and client secret.

    The client ID and secret are available to the Python code as the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.

The following URL is an example of the GET token request to the OAuth service:

The JSON response holds the bearer token in its access_token field, which is similar to the following example:
{"access_token": "example_token_34j3fdde", "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "ADMIN"}
When the token is retrieved, it can be used to make multiple QRadar REST API calls. The token is sent in a request header and the following format:
"Authorization" : "Bearer example_token_34j3fdde"