Areas type

Use the Areas type to add a tab to the IBM® QRadar®.

The following table describes the areas block fields in the manifest.json file.

Table 1. Areas block fields
Field Required Type Description
id Yes String A unique ID.
text Yes String Concise text to display that describes the area. This field can optionally point at a resource bundle key if the application is globalized.
description No String Detailed text to display that describes the area. This field can optionally point at a resource bundle key if the application is globalized.
url Yes String A URL to load, relative to the application root. Only URLs that live within the QRadar application can be referenced.
required_capabilities No Array of String A set of capabilities that a user must affiliate with their user role to access this area.

The following code is a sample areas block from manifest.json:


areas: [
			"text":"Hello World",
			"description":"A Hello World app",
