Services type

Defines named services, service endpoints, and supervisord configuration parameters.

The parameters in your services block in your app's manifest file can be divided into these types:

Service definition parameters
The service name, version, and any endpoints that are defined for the service.
Endpoints field parameters
A breakdown of the endpoints subparameters.
Supervisord configuration parameters
A list of parameters that can be passed to supervisord to control the service process.

The following code sample lists the services block fields:

	"services": [
                    "endpoints": [
				{   "name":"something",
                               "http_method": "GET",
                               "parameters": [
                                    "location": "PATH", 
                                    "name": "id"
                                    "definition": "String"                                    

The following tables provide details about the manifest fields for the services block.

Table 1. Service definition endpoints
Field Required Type Description
name Yes String The name of the service instance.
version Yes String

Version of this named service that is supported by this instance.

Only one version per named service definition is allowed.

endpoints No Array of Endpoints type The endpoints that are defined for this service instance.

You can define a number of parameters for each endpoint. For more information about endpoint parameters, see Table 2

Endpoints field parameters

The endpoints field parameters are explained in more detail in the following table:

Table 2. Endpoints field parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
name Yes String The name of the endpoint.
http_method Yes String The HTTP method to use for the request: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.
path Yes String The URL that is used to access endpoint.
request_mime_type No String The mime type of request body. Provide this value when your request has a body (POST, PUT). Typical values include these strings: "application/json", "application/json+ld", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
request_body_type No Object Provides a JSON object that defines the structure of your request body. If you use this parameter, do not set the location parameter to BODY.
parameters No Array
location (required)
String. Can be one of these types:
  • PATH
  • BODY
Set the location parameter to BODY if the endpoint's request_mime_type field is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The location parameter is required.

name (required)
definition (optional)
The type of the parameter.
response No Object Definition of the expected response. If your endpoint does not return a response body, then omit this field.
mime_type (required)
String. The response mime type.
body_type (required)
Object. Provides a JSON object that defines the structure of your response body.
error_mime_type No String The mime type of error message body. Defaults to text/plain.

Supervisord configuration parameter fields

The QRadar® Application Framework uses supervisord to monitor and control named services. You can specify supervisord configuration parameters as fields within the services block in your app's manifest file.

You can use the following supervisord parameters as fields in the services block. For more information about supervisord configuration parameters, see (

Table 3. Supervisord configuration parameters
Field Required Type Description
port No Integer A TCP host:port value, for example, on which supervisor listens for HTTP and XML-RPC requests.

If no port is specified the service is treated as a headless background process that runs continuously.

command No String The command that runs when this program is started. The command can be either absolute, for example, /path/to/program or relative, for example, program. If it is relative, the supervisord’s environment $PATH is searched for the executable.
directory No   The path to the directory that supervisord changes to before it executes the child process.
autorestart No Enum

Specifies whether supervisord automatically restarts a process when it exits in the RUNNING state.

Value is one of the following states: TRUE, FALSE, UNEXPECTED.

process_name No String A Python string that is used for the supervisor process name.
numprocs No String The number of instances of the program the supervisor starts.
umask No String The octal number that represents the umask of the process.
autostart No Enum Value is TRUE or FALSE.

If TRUE, this program starts automatically when supervisord is started.

startsecs No Integer The number of seconds that the program needs to stay running after startup to consider the start successful.
startretries No Integer The number of serial failure attempts that supervisord allows when it attempts to start the program.
exitcodes No String The list of expected exit codes for this program that are used with autorestart.
stopsignal No String The signal that is used to kill the program when a stop is requested.
Use any of the following:
  • TERM
  • HUP
  • INT
  • QUIT
  • KILL
  • USR1
  • USR2
stopwaitsecs No Integer The number of seconds to wait for the operating system to return a SIGCHLD to supervisord after the program is sent a stopsignal.
user No String The UNIX user account that runs the program.
redirect_stderr No Enum Value is either TRUE or FALSE.

If TRUE, causes the StdErr output to be sent back to supervisord on its StdOut file descriptor.

stdout_logfile No String StdOut output is stored in this file. If redirect_stderr is TRUE, StdErr output is also stored in this file).
stdout_logfile_maxbytes No String The maximum number of bytes that can be consumed by stdout_logfile before it is rotated and a new log file is started.
stdout_logfile_backups No Integer The number of stdout_logfile backups to retain from the StdOut log file rotation.
stdout_capture_maxbytes No String The maximum number of bytes that are written to capture FIFO (first in, first out) when the process is in StdOut capture mode.
stdout_events_enabled No Enum Value is one of TRUE, FALSE.

If TRUE, PROCESS_LOG_STDOUT events are emitted when the process writes to its StdOut file descriptor.

StdErr_logfile No String Put process StdErr output in this file unless redirect_stderr is TRUE.
stderr_logfile_maxbytes No String The maximum number of bytes before log file rotation for stderr_logfile.
stderr_logfile_backups No Integer The number of stderr_logfile backups to retain from the StdErr log file rotation.
stderr_capture_maxbytes No String The maximum number of bytes that are written to capture FIFO (first in, first out) when the process is in StdErr capture mode.
stderr_events_enabled No Enum Value is either TRUE or FALSE.

If TRUE, PROCESS_LOG_STDERR events are generated when the process writes to its StdErr file descriptor.

environment No String A list of key/value pairs, in the form KEY="val",KEY2="val2", that are placed in the child process’ environment.
serverurl No String The URL that is used to access the supervisord server, for example, http://localhost:9001