Jinja2 templates

Jinja2 is a Python library that you can use to construct templates for various output formats from a core template text file. It can be used to create HTML templates for IBM® QRadar® applications.

Jinja2 has a rich API, and large array of syntactic directives (statements, expressions, variables, tags) that allow the dynamic injection of content into the templated file.

Use the Flask render_template() method in the app's views.py file to inject data from your Python method, served by the route, into a Jinja2 templated HTML file. For example:

__author__ = 'IBM'

from flask import render_template
from app import app

def hello_world():
    return render_template("hello.html", title = "QRadar")

The hello.html template must be stored in the /app/templates folder. The hello.html file is described in the following section:

<!doctype html>
<title>Hello from Flask</title>
<h1>Hello {{ title }}!</h1>
The template produces the following output:
<!doctype html>
<title>Hello from Flask</title>
<h1>Hello QRadar!</h1>
Note: Do not use the Flask-Jinja2-mandated url_for functionality within your app Jinja2 template. The QRadar GUI Application Framework uses relative addressing for request paths. If you use url_for, it creates an absolute request path from the container itself.

For more information about Jinja2 templates, see the Jinja2 documentation.

Edit Jinja2 templates in Eclipse

You can use the Django template editor plug-in in Eclipse to develop Jinja2 templates.

PyDev Eclipse does not come with a Jinja2 template editor by default. The Django template editor plug-in offers useful features that you can employ to develop Jinja2 templates for your app.

Install the Django repository (http://pydev.org/updates) by clicking Help > Install New Software on the main Eclipse Help panel.

This plug-in offers useful syntax-highlighting and auto-completion features for Jinja2 template development.