API error messages
When an API request fails due to request errors or server errors, an error response message is returned in JSON format.
An error response message is returned in JSON format even for endpoints that support other MIME types. The error response message includes error message itself, a description of the error, a unique error code for the endpoint, an HTTP response message, and an HTTP response code.
The error response includes following fields:
- message: the error message
- details: a field for additional information, which may or may not be populated
- description: description of the specific error
- code: Unique error response code
- http_response:
- message: HTTP response message
- code: HTTP response status code
For example, the following API request attempts to get information about a non-existent reference set that is called "test-set":
An HTTP 404 response code and the following JSON error response message are returned:
"message": "test_set does not exist",
"details": {},
"description": "The reference set does not exist.",
"code": 1002,
"http_response": {
"message": "We could not find the resource you requested.",
"code": 404
The following table provides more information about the HTTP response error categories returned by the IBM® QRadar® REST API:
HTTP error category | HTTP response Code | HTTP response message |
MULTIPLE CHOICES | 300 | The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location. |
MOVED PERMANENTLY | 301 | The resource has moved permanently. Please refer to the documentation. |
FOUND | 302 | The resource has moved temporarily. Please refer to the documentation. |
SEE OTHER | 303 | The resource can be found under a different URI. |
NOT MODIFIED | 304 | The resource is available and not modified. |
USE PROXY | 305 | The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the Location field. |
TEMPORARY REDIRECT | 307 | The resource resides temporarily under a different URI. |
BAD REQUEST | 400 | Invalid syntax for this request was provided. |
UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | You are unauthorized to access the requested resource. Please log in. |
FORBIDDEN | 403 | Your account is not authorized to access the requested resource. |
NOT FOUND | 404 | We could not find the resource you requested. Please refer to the documentation for the list of resources. |
METHOD NOT ALLOWED | 405 | This method type is not currently supported. |
NOT ACCEPTABLE | 406 | Acceptance header is invalid for this endpoint resource. |
PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED | 407 | Authentication with proxy is required. |
REQUEST TIMEOUT | 408 | Client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. |
CONFLICT | 409 | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. |
GONE | 410 | The requested resource is no longer available and has been permanently removed. |
LENGTH REQUIRED | 411 | Length of the content is required, please include it with the request. |
PRECONDITION FAILED | 412 | The request did not match the pre-conditions of the requested resource. |
REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE | 413 | The request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. |
REQUEST-URI TOO LONG | 414 | The request URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. |
UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE | 415 | The requested resource does not support the media type provided. |
REQUESTED RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE | 416 | The requested range for the resource is not available. |
EXPECTATION FAILED | 417 | Unable to meet the expectation given in the Expect request header. |
MISSING ARGUMENTS | 419 | The requested resource is missing required arguments. |
INVALID ARGUMENTS | 420 | The requested resource does not support one or more of the given parameters. |
UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY | 422 | The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
INTERNAL SERVER ERROR | 500 | Unexpected internal server error. |
NOT IMPLEMENTED | 501 | The requested resource is recognized but not implemented. |
BAD GATEWAY | 502 | Invalid response received when acting as a proxy or gateway. |
SERVICE UNAVAILABLE | 503 | The server is currently unavailable. |
GATEWAY TIMEOUT | 504 | Did not receive a timely response from upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy. |
HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED | 505 | The HTTP protocol version used in the request message is not supported. |
INITIALIZATION FAILURE | 550 | A failure occurred during initialization of services. API will be unavailable. |