POST /config/flow_sources/custom_properties/property_expressions

Creates a new flow regex property expression.

Creates a new flow regex property expression.

Table 1. POST /config/flow_sources/custom_properties/property_expressions resource details


Table 2. POST /config/flow_sources/custom_properties/property_expressions request parameter details
Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3. POST /config/flow_sources/custom_properties/property_expressions request body details
Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




Required - A JSON representation of the regex property expression object.
  • regex_property_identifier - Required - String - The identifier of the flow regex property that this expression belongs to.
  • enabled - Optional - Boolean - Flag that indicates whether this expression is enabled. It defaults to true if not provided.
  • regex - Required - String - The regex to extract the property from the payload.
  • capture_group - Optional - Integer - The capture group to capture. It defaults to 1 if not provided.
  • payload - Optional - String - Test payload. This is only used in the UI so that the user can verify their regex matches the expected payload.
  • qid - Optional - Integer - The QID of the flow to apply this expression to.
  • low_level_category_id - Optional - Integer - The expression is applied to all flows with this low level category.
  • payload_origin - Required - String - The payload type (source_payload, destination_payload) to apply the expression to.

{ "capture_group": 42, "creation_date": 42, "enabled": true, "id": 42, "identifier": "String", "low_level_category_id": 42, "modification_date": 42, "payload": "String", "payload_origin": "String <one of: event_payload, source_payload, destination_payload>", "qid": 42, "regex": "String", "regex_property_identifier": "String", "username": "String" }

Table 4. POST /config/flow_sources/custom_properties/property_expressions response codes
HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


A new flow regex property expression was created.



One or more request parameter are invalid in the request.



An error occurred during the attempt to create a new flow regex property expression.

Response Description

The newly created flow regex property expression containing the following fields:
  • id - Integer - The sequence ID of the flow regex property expression.
  • identifier - String - The ID of the flow regex property expression.
  • regex_property_identifier - String - The identifier of the flow regex property that this expression belongs to.
  • enabled - Boolean - Flag that indicates whether this expression is enabled.
  • regex - String - The regex to extract the property from the payload.
  • capture_group - Integer - The capture group to capture.
  • payload - String - Test payload. This is only used in the UI so that the user can verify their regex matches the expected payload.
  • qid - Integer - The QID of the flow to apply this expression to.
  • low_level_category_id - Integer - The expression is applied to all flows with this low level category.
  • payload_origin - BaseProperty - The payload type (source_payload, destination_payload) to apply the expression to.
  • username - String - The owner of the flow regex property expression.

Response Sample

    "capture_group": 42,
    "creation_date": 42,
    "enabled": true,
    "id": 42,
    "identifier": "String",
    "low_level_category_id": 42,
    "modification_date": 42,
    "payload": "String",
    "payload_origin": "String <one of: event_payload, source_payload, destination_payload>",
    "qid": 42,
    "regex": "String",
    "regex_property_identifier": "String",
    "username": "String"