GET /dynamic_search/searches/{handle}

Gets the specific search performed by this user.

Gets the specific search performed by this user.

Table 1. GET /dynamic_search/searches/{handle} resource details


Table 2. GET /dynamic_search/searches/{handle} request parameter details
Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






The handle which uniquely identifies this search.






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3. GET /dynamic_search/searches/{handle} response codes
HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


A list of searches that the user has made.



No search was found with the provided handle



Please provide correct field constraints

Response Description

The specific search performed by this user.
  • handle - String - The unique, server-generated UUID that represents this search.
  • status - String - The current status of this search, one of (QUEUED, DONE, or ERROR)
  • search_type - String - The type of this search, one of (SYNCH or ASYNCH). Defaults to SYNCH.
  • retention - The date/time info related to this search.
    • creation_date - Long - The date and time that this search was posted, in milliseconds since the epoch.
    • last_accessed_date - Long - The date and time that the results for this search were last accessed, in milliseconds since the epoch.
    • expires_at - Long - The date and time until which that this search will be kept, in milliseconds since the epoch.
    • retain_duration - Long - The number of milliseconds (counting from creation_date) to keep this search and the associated results.
  • description - String - A user-supplied freeform string used to store identifying or descriptive information. It has no effect on search execution.
  • header - An explanation of the structure of the results below. Can not filter on this.
  • columns - A description of the returned columns
    • field - One of the fields requested in this search.
    • column_name - String - The name of the column variable that contains that field. Always of the form "columnN".
  • query - The query that created this search. Can not filter on this.
  • fields - A list of the fields which specifies the columns returned by this search.
  • filters - A list of the conditions that will filter the row returned by this search
    • argument - The argument field for this filter.
    • parameters - A list of string parameters for this filter.
    • operator - The operator for this filter. Must be a value returned from the Operators endpoint or a valid logical operator (AND, OR, NOT).
    • left_filter - The left child of the complex filter case. Must be not-null if operator is (AND or OR) and null otherwise.
    • right_filter - The right child of the complex filter case. Must be not-null if operator is (AND, OR or NOT) and null otherwise.
  • sorts - An ordered list of the Sorts (each a Field plus a direction (ASC/DESC)) that should be applied to the results of this search
    • field - The field on which to apply sorting.
    • direction - String - The direction of the sort (must be one of ASC/DESC).
  • range - A specification of the limit and offset that should be applied to the results returned by this search. If a range is specified, at least one sort must also be specified.
    • limit - Integer - The non-negative number of results to return.
    • offset - Integer - The non-negative position at which to begin returning results.
  • results - The list of results returned by this search.
  • columns -Contains a map of columns and their values, both as strings.

Response Sample

    "description": "String",
    "handle": "String",
    "header": {
        "columns": [
                "column_name": "String",
                "field": {
                    "argument_fields": [
                            "contextual_type": "String",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                    "contextual_type": "String",
                    "data_type": "String",
                    "filter": {
                        "argument": {
                            "argument_fields": [
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                            "contextual_type": "String",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "filter": "Object",
                            "function": {
                                "aggregate": true,
                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
                                "return_data_type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                        "left_filter": {
                            "argument": {
                                "argument_fields": [
                                        "contextual_type": "String",
                                        "data_type": "String",
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "semantic_type": "String"
                                "contextual_type": "String",
                                "data_type": "String",
                                "filter": "Object",
                                "function": {
                                    "aggregate": true,
                                    "argument_types": [
                                            "position": 42,
                                            "type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String",
                                    "return_data_type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "semantic_type": "String"
                            "left_filter": {
                                "argument": {
                                    "argument_fields": [
                                            "contextual_type": "String",
                                            "data_type": "String",
                                            "localized_name": "String",
                                            "semantic_type": "String"
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "filter": "Object",
                                    "function": {
                                        "aggregate": true,
                                        "argument_types": [
                                                "position": 42,
                                                "type": "String"
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "name": "String",
                                        "return_data_type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                                "operator": {
                                    "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String"
                                "parameters": [
                            "operator": {
                                "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                "data_type": "String",
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String"
                            "parameters": [
                            "right_filter": {
                                "argument": {
                                    "argument_fields": [
                                            "contextual_type": "String",
                                            "data_type": "String",
                                            "localized_name": "String",
                                            "semantic_type": "String"
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "filter": "Object",
                                    "function": {
                                        "aggregate": true,
                                        "argument_types": [
                                                "position": 42,
                                                "type": "String"
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "name": "String",
                                        "return_data_type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                                "operator": {
                                    "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String"
                                "parameters": [
                        "operator": {
                            "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String"
                        "parameters": [
                        "right_filter": {
                            "argument": {
                                "argument_fields": [
                                        "contextual_type": "String",
                                        "data_type": "String",
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "semantic_type": "String"
                                "contextual_type": "String",
                                "data_type": "String",
                                "filter": "Object",
                                "function": {
                                    "aggregate": true,
                                    "argument_types": [
                                            "position": 42,
                                            "type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String",
                                    "return_data_type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "semantic_type": "String"
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                                "argument": {
                                    "argument_fields": [
                                            "contextual_type": "String",
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                                            "semantic_type": "String"
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                                    "data_type": "String",
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                                    "function": {
                                        "aggregate": true,
                                        "argument_types": [
                                                "position": 42,
                                                "type": "String"
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "name": "String",
                                        "return_data_type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                                "operator": {
                                    "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String"
                                "parameters": [
                            "operator": {
                                "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                "data_type": "String",
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String"
                            "parameters": [
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                                "argument": {
                                    "argument_fields": [
                                            "contextual_type": "String",
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                                            "localized_name": "String",
                                            "semantic_type": "String"
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                                    "function": {
                                        "aggregate": true,
                                        "argument_types": [
                                                "position": 42,
                                                "type": "String"
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "name": "String",
                                        "return_data_type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                                "operator": {
                                    "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String"
                                "parameters": [
                    "function": {
                        "aggregate": true,
                        "argument_types": [
                                "position": 42,
                                "type": "String"
                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "name": "String",
                        "return_data_type": "String"
                    "localized_name": "String",
                    "semantic_type": "String"
    "query": {
        "fields": [
                "argument_fields": [
                        "contextual_type": "String",
                        "data_type": "String",
                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "semantic_type": "String"
                "contextual_type": "String",
                "data_type": "String",
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                        "argument_fields": [
                                "contextual_type": "String",
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                                "localized_name": "String",
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                        "data_type": "String",
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                        "function": {
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                            "argument_types": [
                                    "position": 42,
                                    "type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String",
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                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "semantic_type": "String"
                    "left_filter": {
                        "argument": {
                            "argument_fields": [
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
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                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
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                                "name": "String",
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                            "semantic_type": "String"
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                            "argument": {
                                "argument_fields": [
                                        "contextual_type": "String",
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                                "function": {
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                                    "argument_types": [
                                            "position": 42,
                                            "type": "String"
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                                    "name": "String",
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                            "parameters": [
                        "operator": {
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                            "name": "String"
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                                            "type": "String"
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                                "name": "String"
                            "parameters": [
                    "operator": {
                        "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
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                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "name": "String"
                    "parameters": [
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                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
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                                "argument_fields": [
                                        "contextual_type": "String",
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                                    "argument_types": [
                                            "position": 42,
                                            "type": "String"
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                                    "name": "String",
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                                "semantic_type": "String"
                            "operator": {
                                "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                "data_type": "String",
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                                "name": "String"
                            "parameters": [
                        "operator": {
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                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String"
                        "parameters": [
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                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "semantic_type": "String"
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                                "function": {
                                    "aggregate": true,
                                    "argument_types": [
                                            "position": 42,
                                            "type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String",
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                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "semantic_type": "String"
                            "operator": {
                                "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                                "data_type": "String",
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String"
                            "parameters": [
                "function": {
                    "aggregate": true,
                    "argument_types": [
                            "position": 42,
                            "type": "String"
                    "localized_name": "String",
                    "name": "String",
                    "return_data_type": "String"
                "localized_name": "String",
                "semantic_type": "String"
        "filters": [
                "argument": {
                    "argument_fields": [
                            "contextual_type": "String",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
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                    "data_type": "String",
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                    "function": {
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                        "argument_types": [
                                "position": 42,
                                "type": "String"
                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "name": "String",
                        "return_data_type": "String"
                    "localized_name": "String",
                    "semantic_type": "String"
                "left_filter": {
                    "argument": {
                        "argument_fields": [
                                "contextual_type": "String",
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                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "semantic_type": "String"
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                        "data_type": "String",
                        "filter": "Object",
                        "function": {
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                            "argument_types": [
                                    "position": 42,
                                    "type": "String"
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                            "name": "String",
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                        "semantic_type": "String"
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                            "data_type": "String",
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                            "function": {
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                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
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                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                        "operator": {
                            "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String"
                        "parameters": [
                    "operator": {
                        "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                        "data_type": "String",
                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "name": "String"
                    "parameters": [
                    "right_filter": {
                        "argument": {
                            "argument_fields": [
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
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                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
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                            "data_type": "String",
                            "filter": "Object",
                            "function": {
                                "aggregate": true,
                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
                                "return_data_type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                        "operator": {
                            "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String"
                        "parameters": [
                "operator": {
                    "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                    "data_type": "String",
                    "localized_name": "String",
                    "name": "String"
                "parameters": [
                "right_filter": {
                    "argument": {
                        "argument_fields": [
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                                "data_type": "String",
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "semantic_type": "String"
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                        "data_type": "String",
                        "filter": "Object",
                        "function": {
                            "aggregate": true,
                            "argument_types": [
                                    "position": 42,
                                    "type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String",
                            "return_data_type": "String"
                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "semantic_type": "String"
                    "left_filter": {
                        "argument": {
                            "argument_fields": [
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
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                            "data_type": "String",
                            "filter": "Object",
                            "function": {
                                "aggregate": true,
                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
                                "return_data_type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                        "operator": {
                            "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String"
                        "parameters": [
                    "operator": {
                        "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                        "data_type": "String",
                        "localized_name": "String",
                        "name": "String"
                    "parameters": [
                    "right_filter": {
                        "argument": {
                            "argument_fields": [
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                            "contextual_type": "String",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "filter": "Object",
                            "function": {
                                "aggregate": true,
                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
                                "return_data_type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                        "operator": {
                            "connective": "String <one of: AND, OR, NOT>",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "name": "String"
                        "parameters": [
        "range": {
            "limit": 42,
            "offset": 42
        "sorts": [
                "direction": "String <one of: ASC, DESC>",
                "field": {
                    "argument_fields": [
                            "contextual_type": "String",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                    "contextual_type": "String",
                    "data_type": "String",
                    "filter": {
                        "argument": {
                            "argument_fields": [
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "semantic_type": "String"
                            "contextual_type": "String",
                            "data_type": "String",
                            "filter": "Object",
                            "function": {
                                "aggregate": true,
                                "argument_types": [
                                        "position": 42,
                                        "type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "name": "String",
                                "return_data_type": "String"
                            "localized_name": "String",
                            "semantic_type": "String"
                        "left_filter": {
                            "argument": {
                                "argument_fields": [
                                        "contextual_type": "String",
                                        "data_type": "String",
                                        "localized_name": "String",
                                        "semantic_type": "String"
                                "contextual_type": "String",
                                "data_type": "String",
                                "filter": "Object",
                                "function": {
                                    "aggregate": true,
                                    "argument_types": [
                                            "position": 42,
                                            "type": "String"
                                    "localized_name": "String",
                                    "name": "String",
                                    "return_data_type": "String"
                                "localized_name": "String",
                                "semantic_type": "String"
                            "left_filter": {
                                "argument": {
                                    "argument_fields": [
                                            "contextual_type": "String",
                                            "data_type": "String",
                                            "localized_name": "String",
                                            "semantic_type": "String"
                                    "contextual_type": "String",
                                    "data_type": "String",
                                    "filter": "Object",
                                    "function": {
                                        "aggregate": true,
                                        "argument_types": [
                                                "position": 42,
                                                "type": "String"
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    "search_type": "String <one of: SYNCH, ASYNCH>",
    "status": "String <one of: DONE, ERROR, QUEUED>"