PUT /config/network_hierarchy/staged_networks

Replaces the current network hierarchy with the input that is provided.

Replaces the current network hierarchy with the input that is provided.

Table 1. PUT /config/network_hierarchy/staged_networks resource details


Table 2. PUT /config/network_hierarchy/staged_networks request parameter details
Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3. PUT /config/network_hierarchy/staged_networks request body details
Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




Required - A JSON String that contains network hierarchy objects with the following fields:
  • id - Optional - Integer - The ID of the network object.
  • group - Required - String - The group of the network object.
  • name - Required - String - The name of the network object.
  • cidr - Required - String - The CIDR range of the network object.
  • description - Optional - String - The description of the network object.
  • domain_id - Optional - Integer - The domain ID of the network object (required if domain aware).
  • location - Optional - JSON object - The GeoJSON location of the network object.
  • country_code - Optional - String - The country code of the network object.

[ { "id": 4, "group": "DMZ", "name": "External", "description": "network description", "cidr": "", "domain_id": 0, "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-75.69805556, 45.41111111]}, "country_code": "CA" }, { "id": 5, "group": "DMZ", "name": "External", "description": "network description", "cidr": "", "domain_id": 0, "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-66.646332, 45.964993]}, "country_code": "CA" } ]

Table 4. PUT /config/network_hierarchy/staged_networks response codes
HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The network hierarchy was successfully replaced.



An invalid parameter was passed to the API call.



An unexpected error occurred during the creation of the network hierarchy.

Response Description

Network Hierarchy - A JSON string that contains network_hierarchy objects, each with the following fields:
  • id - Integer - The ID of the network object.
  • group - String - The group of the network object.
  • name - String - The name of the network object.
  • cidr - String - The CIDR range of the network object.
  • description - String - The description of the network object.
  • domain_id - Integer - The domain ID of the network object.
  • location - Optional - JSON object - The GeoJSON location of the network object.
  • country_code - Optional - String - The country code of the network object.

Response Sample

        "cidr": "String",
        "country_code": "String",
        "description": "String",
        "domain_id": 42,
        "group": "String",
        "id": 42,
        "location": {
            "coordinates": [
            "type": "String"
        "name": "String"